Sattvik Certification in a modern day furnish food safety regulation and Quality Management
System to the vegetarian consumers which is developed on sound scientific and hard core vedic
ancient principles to protect consumers from risks of food borne illness and death.
With Sattvik Certification Council’s network consumers will now be aware of food safety incidents the minute it happens, sometimes even before the implicated companies are informed. Governments around the world are acting swiftly to update and modernize their legislation. Adopting industry-leading best practices, food safety regulations are getting increasingly outcome-based and transparent.
For more Information, Kindly check our website,
http://sattvikcouncilofindia.org/Until recent years, efficacy of food control system in the Indian market was found to be destabilized by the subsistence of numerous authorities, and lack of monitoring and enforcement. The Indian food laws were enacted under different ministries in India possessing varied specifications. This bewildered environment was insufficient for the enforcement of laws and regulations in the food processing industry. That is why; there was a persistence of an inadequate food safety and quality systems in India that was endangering consumers’ health.
To create a safe and hygienic environment in terms of food and food safety for the Vegetarian consumers of the nation and around the world by creating standards that are developed on sound scientific and hard core vedic ancient principles.
To create the dispensable income for the students, as with high rise of unemployment in past few years and especially during pandemic situation which has affected every walk of life, youth of our nation has been affected adversely, Sattvik council of India provide this opportunity to all the youth of India to have the basic dispensable income by certifying into various Sattvik council programs.
Creating new job opportunities, Sattvik Council of India is a multi-dimensional platform and has capabilities to provide opportunities in the following domains of food Safety Auditor, Trainers and Marketing.
Adding Value to our Society , Vegetarian society contributes largely in India and always under a doubtful situation of whether the product they are consuming are PURE VEG or not, even the Green logo comes under a benefit of doubt , The Sattvik Council of India wants to bring a vegetarian revolution where the consumers from vegetarian society should not have any second thought while consuming any product in terms of Food Safety
6th Floor Gopal Das Towers, Barakhamba Road, |